France is a great place to visit. With a lot of diversity. Given the chance I would live by the coast in Europe. Subscribe, Sponsor SummerTime TV Internation...
Spent a night at te lake before heading back to Biscarrosse-Page to cont my losses., I was hoping to hear down to Biarritz, but both trains and buses are to ...
Over 26 years of photography and video looking at a cross section of the arts. From Pride, Music, Travel, Style. Bodybuilders Naked Cycle rides.With over 1 m...
Chris Summerfield Pride TV International Thanks to the Organizers and everyone at the great Bristol pride of 2019. Now in it's 10 year. With well over 10 000...
This is just a rough video guide to Milan. I was there in June 2016. I flew from Bristol UK By Ryan Air. Got in to the Bergano Airport at about 9 pm. An hour...