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Bordeaux Day 3. A city tour. 17th August 2016

France is a great place to visit. With a lot of diversity. Given the chance I would live by the coast in Europe. Subscribe, Sponsor SummerTime TV Internation...

Spent a night at Lake Etang de Cauzaux et de Sanguinet. 23rd Aug 2016

Spent a night at te lake before heading back to Biscarrosse-Page to cont my losses., I was hoping to hear down to Biarritz, but both trains and buses are to ...

Bristol Pride 2019 with Jamie. Chris Summerfield GoPro 2

Over 26 years of photography and video looking at a cross section of the arts. From Pride, Music, Travel, Style. Bodybuilders Naked Cycle rides.With over 1 m...

Bristol Pride 2019 Parade With Jamie13th July 2019 Part 1

Chris Summerfield Pride TV International Thanks to the Organizers and everyone at the great Bristol pride of 2019. Now in it's 10 year. With well over 10 000...

I Love Milano. A Postcard from Milan

This is just a rough video guide to Milan. I was there in June 2016. I flew from Bristol UK By Ryan Air. Got in to the Bergano Airport at about 9 pm. An hour...
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